What does a works council do? and what is the difference between a works council and a Union? In this lesson we will look at describing the main functions of a works council.
Start by looking at the vocabulary table below, then we will watch a short video about works councils. To help you to learn more from the video I have written a couple of questions to think about whilst you are watching. These questions would be excellent as either the start of a conversation about Works Councils as a part of a lesson, or could be used individually as a writing exercise.
Essential Vocabulary
A works council. A union. a political mandate. The German Shop Constitution Act. An Election. Overtime. Working hours. A promotion. A transfer. A redundancy payment. A shop agreement. Employee recruitment. A dismissal. Employee protection. A strike. The layout of the workplace. The fire escape route.
to elect somebody. to represent the interests of somebody. to call a strike. to require the consent of somebody. to lodge an objection. | Betriebsrat. Gewerkschaft. Ein politisches Mandat. Betriebsverfassungsgesetz. Wahl. Überstunden. Arbeitsstunden / Arbeitszeit. Beförderung Versetzung. Abfindung. Betriebsvereinbarung. Mitarbeiter Einstellung. Kündigung / Entlassung. Mitarbeiterschutz. Streik. Gestaltung des Arbeitsplatzes. Fluchtweg.
wählen. das Interesse von jmd vertreten. zu ein Streik aufrufen. Zustimmung verlangen. Einspruch einlegen.
The Video
When you watch the video below, try to answer the follow questions:
What is a Works Council?
When can a company have a Works Council?
What is the difference between a Works Council and a Union?
What decisions can a Works Council be involved with?
What case is being discussed by the Works Council?
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